15 things to do while Mississippi State and Memphis deal with a weather delay

Sep 4, 2022 - 1:37 AM
NCAA Football: Memphis at <a href=Mississippi State" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/1XoS5swdCHIqXtnHyRDIIu-_-Wc=/0x0:6000x3375/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71322094/usa_today_18983926.0.jpg" />
Matt Bush-USA TODAY Sports

Look, we don’t have this blog around for all that much longer, but we still have some time left with it. So, since I’m planning to be here until the lights shut off and there’s currently time to kill as Mississippi State and Memphis are in a weather delay, let’s figure out what we’re going to do.

So, you know, here are 15 things you can do during a weather delay.

  1. Visit the concessions stand (if you’re actually at the game in Starkville)
  2. Check a weather radar or report
  3. Watch another football game (Florida and Utah are in a fun, competitive contest right now! Check that out. Or maybe go watch Alabama beat up on Utah State? I don’t know, there are other games on right now. Would you rather watch New Mexico and Maine)
  4. Go to YouTube and watch highlights from the 2016 Mississippi State - Texas A&M game
  5. Watch an episode or two of Justified on Hulu (if you’re at home and waiting for the weather to pass)
  6. Leave the game and go visit one of the bars or restaurants I suggest right here (my mother-in-law, who lives in Memphis, is visiting and she’d never been to Starkville before) and then watch the remainder of the game from there or listen to it on the radio on your drive home.
  7. Check Twitter
  8. Read a sports blog
  9. Check Facebook
  10. Watch another episode of Justified (this weather delay is never going to end, is it?)
  11. Seriously, check out this Utah-Florida game (if you love defense, this game is pretty great)
  12. Call your mom or an old friend. Your loved ones deserve to hear from you. This is just good, general life advice.
  13. Check the weather radar again and get upset that this weather is impacting the game.
  14. Check the kickoff time for Boise State and Oregon State
  15. Find some caffeine (it’s going to be a late night for anyone staying up to watch this game)

What are you doing to help pass the time as we wait for all of this to pass?

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