What position(s) are the Miami Dolphins set at?

Mar 31, 2023 - 12:00 AM
New York Jets v <a href=Miami Dolphins" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/Rv-rZxBpFPHnY-xs4saYR9uL-tI=/0x459:4411x2940/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/72132856/1456021091.0.jpg" />
Photo by Cliff Hawkins/Getty Images

Last night Marek Brave filled in for me as I had to attend to a personal matter so thank you to Marek for his help. His post asked which position would you like to see your Miami Dolphins address with their first pick of the 2023 NFL draft. A lot of the answers are exactly what you would expect, There were a lot of readers that went with various offensive line positions and tight end. Those are two position areas where even our fanbase that can’t seem to agree on anything probably agrees as being our biggest needs this offseason as well as depth at several positions.

So tonight we will go in the opposite direction with our question. Tonight's question is which of the Miami Dolphins positions and/or units do you think the team is set at? I do not mean that the team should not upgrade anywhere they can, especially if it comes cheap. I really just want you to point out the positions or units that you feel comfortable going into the season with at this point if no other changes are made to that position or unit.

So please give us your choice, if you have any, of a position or unit that you think the team is set at and why?

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