Tuesday Morning Fly By: First cuts are the... shallowest

Sep 27, 2022 - 10:00 AM
NHL: Preseason-Boston Bruins at <a href=Philadelphia Flyers" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/M_PZf_b10JJyxS8O66tyCvoEJyw=/0x0:2934x1650/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71420084/usa_today_19111267.0.jpg" />
Eric Hartline-USA TODAY Sports

*The Flyers have made their first cuts at training camp and you must now wave farewell to a bunch of dudes whose names you didn’t know until you read this article. But you get to say hello to Cal O’Reilly, how exciting! [Flyers]

*Evidently it was back to bag skates at practice yesterday. Some of you may find joy in the fact that winning a preseason game earned them no mercy from the drill sergeant. [Inquirer]

*Did you hear Carter Hart might be hurt? This and more from Coach Drill Sergeant post-scrimmage. [NBC Sports Philly]

*Anyway, Ronnie Attard: he’s pretty good!! [BSH]

*If you had to guess which player would be traded first this year, who’d you go with? And was it the same person this article suggests? [The Athletic]

*And finally, a solid reason why every single team in the league might suck this season. FOr funsies. [Fear The Fin]

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