Benjamin's Friends
Member Since:
Nov '10
WYG? Ranking:
665th place
About Me:
I luv to make people laugh, you'll see in the shouts!
Favorite Jersey Number:
Fort Wayne
Current Town:
Fort Wayne
Favorite Teams:
Colts, Packers.
Favorite Sports Quotes/Cliches:
OJ did it.
Favorite Sports Movies:
Radio, Invincible, all that.
Favorite Athletes:
Dallas Clark, Dunn, Sapp.
Players You Love to Hate:
Vick. I have a #7 jersey, any takers?

  • mark Hey Benjamin, probably not... :)

  • mark Hey Benjamin, welcome aboard! When you root for a game, you're saying you think that game is good. The more roots a game gets, the more exciting it is...

  • Benjamin Alright! Go Colts!