timcubfan's Friends
Member Since:
Aug '11
WYG? Ranking:
26th place
Favorite Jersey Number:
Sheboygan WI
Favorite Teams:
Chicago Cubs and Green Bay Packers
Favorite Sports Movies:
Caddyshack (best movie ever made-incl sports), Brian's Song, Rudy, Major League, Finding Forrester
Favorite Sports Moment:
Beating the Defending State Champs to Become #1 in Wisconsin Football-Great Teammates WOW

Also When the Cubbies win the World Series in 2 _ _ _
Favorite Athletes:
Ron Santo, Billy Williams, Drew Brees, Bart Starr, Kenny Bowman, Ray Nitchske, Henry Jordan, Andre Dawson, Rick Sutcliff, Mike Webster, Jack Nicklaus, Secretariat, Lee Trevino, Fuzzy Zoeller and that guy named "Let's Play Two" Banks
Players You Love to Hate:
Any cheap shot artist
Best Game You've Attended:
USA v USSR Gold Medal Hockey Game at Goodwill Games, Packers v Browns (1965 Championship) "The Mud Bowl" , Every Cubs Game

  • timcubfan Just saying it helps, "Joe Buck is sooo irritating"