2022 NFL Season: Seahawks vs. Falcons 1st Quarter game thread

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    <a href=Seattle Seahawks v&nbsp;Atlanta Falcons" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/9xrEC3df8qbxsWfEPE8Msls_Stw=/0x0:3641x2048/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71413946/1183797500.0.jpg" />
    Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images

    There’s a really good chance the Seattle Seahawks aren’t favored to win another game until the Carolina Panthers in December. Maybe if the New York Giants fall back down to Earth, that October 30th matchup could be one where Seattle has the odds in their favor.

    The Atlanta Falcons have been competitive but they are similarly not a good team. If the Seahawks don’t win this game then it’ll be more of a reality check (or reality confirmation) about the state of this team than a 20-point loss to a likely playoff contender in the San Francisco 49ers.

    Can the offense get back on track and actually score points? Can the defense finally force a three-and-out or generate a pass rush or stop the run or (voice trails off...)

    Find out with us over the next three hours at Lumen Field on this first weekend of fall!
