Alistair Brownlee to defend Games gold

Nov 29, 2017 - 11:37 AM Alistair Brownlee has confirmed he will put his Ironman dreams on hold to target another Commonwealth Games triathlon title on the Gold Coast.

The 29-year-old had taken time out after defending his Olympic crown in Rio to focus on longer-distance races but a hip operation earlier this year has prompted a rethink.

Brownlee, who won individual and mixed relay golds in Glasgow in 2014, will be joined by his brother Jonny at the Games in April.

"I have been very clear that I didn't want to make any fixed decisions about my future but I wanted to take a step back after focusing for 10 years of my life on the Olympics," Bronwlee said.

"Obviously the year didn't work out how I would have liked because of my hip operation but just the process of going through training and learning about a different sport was very valuable.

"But I think I would always have tried to qualify for Gold Coast - even if it had been in 10,000m or the marathon. The Commonwealth Games has always meant a lot to me and I am motivated to race for England in a place which is a real heartland of the sport."

Brownlee made an apparently seamless transition to the longer distances, winning on his debut in Gran Canaria and again in Utah and admitted he still hoped to one day be in a position to compete in his sport's ultimate event.

Source: AAP

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