Rays Your Voice: Tyler Glasnow returns, Apple TV+ Discussion with Darby Robinson

Sep 28, 2022 - 10:23 PM
New York Yankees v <a href=Tampa Bay Rays" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/3y6jphDrpbty0OnLtmzl-Hc6XUw=/0x0:5067x2850/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71428277/1404741070.0.jpg" />
Photo by Tyler Schank/Getty Images

I’m joined by Darby Robinson on this week’s episode of Rays Your Voice, and we’ve got plenty more news to discuss. While Brandon Lowe and Shane Baz’s seasons have come to an end, Tyler Glasnow begins his 2022 campaign on Wednesday night against Cleveland. He’s yet to be fully stretched out, but what do the Rays have in store for him moving forward? Darby and I discuss what his role will look like, and how he can help the team make a deep postseason run.

We also discuss the vibes surrounding this year’s team, and why high expectations make baseball less enjoyable. While Glasnow returning definitely helps the vibes, let us know what your thoughts are on this ballclub as it currently stands in the comments.

To wrap up the show, Darby and I add to the Apple TV+ discourse by ‘Raysing’ our voices on the broadcast of Friday night’s Yankee game. This debate became more prevalent than Judge’s chase for 61 home runs, and at the moment of writing, he still sits at 60. In the late Apple TV+ game, Albert Pujols smacked two homers to reach 700 for his career. The broadcast was beautiful and the call was great, and it was free to watch for anyone who can access the internet.

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