66-91 - Rangers lose, you guessed it, a one-run game 3-2

Oct 2, 2022 - 3:49 AM
<a href=Texas Rangers v Los Angeles Angels" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/37tAmPw69wLm1SZ7bemhEYPVbhk=/0x0:6000x3375/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71441953/1429514229.0.jpg" />
Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images

The Texas Rangers scored twice while the Anaheim Angels scored thrice.

The Rangers went the first six innings without reaching base so we’re lucky to only be bemoaning a one-run loss instead of a perfect game.

The Rangers had two hits.

The Rangers are now 25 games below .500.

Player of the Game: Nathaniel Lowe hit a two-run home run that momentarily gave Texas a lead.

Up Next: The Rangers will play their final road game of the season with an undetermined starting pitcher which is, frankly, pretty appropriate. The Angels will counter with LHP Tucker Davidson.

Sunday afternoon’s first pitch from The Big A is scheduled for 3:07 pm CDT.

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