N&N: Was Nolan Jones given enough time in Cleveland?

Nov 21, 2022 - 1:35 PM
MLB: <a href=Cleveland Guardians at Toronto Blue Jays" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/wtN-wXYZAwbXETqqMR2_UmQQEUU=/0x55:3300x1911/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71656463/usa_today_18861753.0.jpg" />
Dan Hamilton-USA TODAY Sports

Here’s to a great Turkey week!

Cleveland Guardians news

Hey Hoynsie: Did the Guardians trade Nolan Jones too soon? | cleveland.com
From Paul Hoynes:

Hey, Hoynsie: Were you surprised that the Guardians traded Nolan Jones to the Rockies? In his brief stint with the team, it seemed like he could play. — Doug, Ocala, Fla.

Hey, Doug: A scout told me Jones reminded him of Bradley Zimmer, another tall left-handed hitter who had trouble making contact. Cleveland gave Zimmer a lot more chances than it gave Jones, but Zimmer didn’t have to contend with the wave of talent that Jones did.

Jones got squeezed out of third base when the G’s signed Jose Ramirez to a multiyear deal at the start of last season. He moved to the outfield where the emergence of Steven Kwan, Oscar Gonzalez and Will Brennan cost him more playing time.

5 pressing questions for the Guardians this offseason | cleguardians.com
A starting catcher and potential trades are the big ?? marks.

Starting Lineup?!? | Twitter

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