Rise and Phight: 12/5/2022

Dec 5, 2022 - 12:00 PM
MLB: World Series-Houston Astros at <a href=Philadelphia Phillies" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/IOa1Rn8t3jFFGQUm8n3XgviBbAc=/0x138:2198x1374/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71711443/usa_today_19354750.0.jpg" />
John Geliebter-USA TODAY Sports

Congratulations to Fred McGriff, voted by his peers unanimously as a Hall of Famer yesterday.

I know that McGriff feels like the top guy in the Hall of Very Good, but looking closer at his numbers and I think he actually is a solid choice to go to Cooperstown. It easier to understand why the players would be the ones who voted him in as they were up against him each day, interacting with him in the clubhouse as well once the writers were gone. Even though he wasn’t as feared at the plate as other sluggers of his day, he still put up basically the same line each year with solid defense to boot (he can thank Tom Emanski for that). Good for him.

On to the links.

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