Yankees to re-sign Aaron Judge on nine-year deal

Dec 7, 2022 - 1:47 PM
Championship Series - Houston Astros v <a href=New York Yankees - Game Four" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/jsbuno7XqDaS6IrVz1_axmURl0o=/0x0:3803x2139/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71721051/1436007430.0.jpg" />
Photo by Elsa/Getty Images

According to Ken Rosenthal of The Athletic, the Yankees have agreed to a nine-year, $360 million contract with outfielder Aaron Judge. The deal is pending a physical.

The news comes after weeks of speculation that Judge could spurn New York for San Francisco, and one day after it appeared that the Giants had potentially secure his signature. Instead, Judge has inked a deal that will likely keep him in pinstripes for the rest of his career.

What the rest of the Yankees’ off-season will look like remains to be seen, but the most important piece is in place. Hal Steinbrenner and Brian Cashman talked a big game over the last month, with the Yankee owner in particular stating that the club would not be outbid for the face of the franchise. Today at least, Steinbrenner was true to his word.

For now, the Yankee fan base can breathe a sigh of relief. What had been a stressful, uncertain saga has come to a conclusion that felt inevitable at certain points, and unlikely at others. Judge will be a Yankee in 2023 and beyond.

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