Elephant Rumblings: Athletics Nation staffing up for 2023

Jan 25, 2023 - 3:00 PM
MLB: <a href=Oakland Athletics-Press Conference" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/9QiZyGpEMsl868HIORK7AkbkrFY=/0x270:5184x3186/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71904173/usa_today_19807270.0.jpg" />
D. Ross Cameron-USA TODAY Sports

Happy Wednesday, Athletics Nation!

As I’m sure you’ve already noticed, our new site manager Kris Willis has—pretty much instantaneously—vastly expanded on the content being published to the site. I would like to congratulate Kris on the new position and welcome him to the fold.

Kris dished the details on the newly announced significant changes to the A’s player development staff as well as the team’s newest addition, Jesus Aguilar. Kris is also bringing back the Community Prospect List, which I’m sure many of you will welcome.

So as the A’s continue to rebuild towards a new window of contention, it looks like the Athletics Nation rebuild has also begun. This is something we can all be grateful for, though I think it will also require me to re-tool my approach as a contributor a bit. I’m sure we’ll figure things out, but it will be something of a gradual process as additional contributors (hopefully including some AN members) are brought on board and settle into their respective roles.

In the meantime, it will be especially helpful for AN members to provide feedback on the changes in progress. Let us know how we’re doing and if there are any specific changes you would like to see!

Now if we can just get a new stadium. Or owner..

A’s Coverage:

MLB News & Interest:

Best of Twitter:

A’s minor league managers for this year announced.

Psst! Hey, Joe!

Tenace on Cap’n Sal.

I hope an AN member wins this.

Smells like team spirit.

SABR with some nice factoids on Bando.

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