Would missing the playoffs force the Wizards to make a coaching change?

Feb 8, 2023 - 2:30 PM
<a href=Washington Wizards v Dallas Mavericks" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/6hndxzAoPMyVy-2-BQ2iez7wkxU=/0x378:5464x3452/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71953077/1246518266.0.jpg" />
The seat should be getting warmer for Wes Unseld, Jr. So what would it take for him to be fired? | Photo by Glenn James/NBAE via Getty Images

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Wow, the Wizards won six straight games, only to lose three straight games. Two of these losses were back-to-back after leading by at least 20 points. That has got to suck.

Anyway, I think the Wizards’ latest string of losing, whether they beat the Charlotte Hornets tonight or not, puts a reality check on those who think the Wizards will somehow make the NBA playoffs and advance to the second round.

The reality is that the Wizards’ postseason hopes are probably just the play-in round and nothing more. And if they don’t make the playoffs (or even the play-in), is that enough for them to decide that it’s time to move on from Wes Unseld, Jr.?

On that note, it’s time for our latest. SB Nation Reacts Wizards survey. Vote now! The polls will close later this week!

I hope to share the results with you soon after the NBA Trade Deadline passes tomorrow. Yes, it’s tomorrow!

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