2023 NBA Trade Deadline Open Thread

Feb 8, 2023 - 8:33 PM
NBA: <a href=Milwaukee Bucks at Phoenix Suns" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/rbXxO0HTkNMIdYO3ORcYXVph7pk=/0x116:1765x1109/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71954753/usa_today_17659982.0.jpg" />
Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports

It’s nearly here! Or if you grow tired of the incessant rumor-mongering, it’s nearly over! The NBA Trade Deadline looms large over the entire association; after 3:00pm (ET) on Thursday, February 9, all 30 teams will be essentially stuck with who they have for the duration of the regular season. Of course, there’s still the buyout market that comes in the next few weeks, but for most teams, this is it.

The Milwaukee Bucks are one of those teams, and they’re not exactly in bad shape. Sitting pretty at 2nd in the Eastern Conference, the Bucks have a strong squad and are firmly entrenched in the “true title contenders” tier of the league. That doesn’t mean that they won’t try to make a move, either to improve their chances now or to reload some assets for the future.

So here’s the place to discuss it! What rumors have you heard? What players do you want the team to target? Is there anything off the table? Let us know in the comments; just be sure to include a link to your source, and watch out for fake Woj Bombs!

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