Wisconsin Basketball: Breaking down the Wisconsin Badgers basketball schedule

Sep 9, 2022 - 12:33 PM
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Photo by John Fisher/Getty Images

The schedule for the Wisconsin Badgers’ 2022-2023 basketball season has been released for the 2022-2023 season. The Badgers are set to begin the season without phenom Johnny Davis, who departed for the 2022 NBA Draft this offseason, leaving them with big shoes to fill for the upcoming year.

Let’s examine the entirety of the schedule, pointing out the tougher and easier stretches for the 2022 season.

Easier start

Similar to football, the Badgers’ basketball team begins the season with an easier schedule, as their first three games are against South Dakota, Stanford, and Green Bay, before facing off against a good Dayton team in the “Battle 4 Atlantis” tournament.

In December, the Badgers face a nice four-game home stretch against Lehigh, Grambling, Western Michigan, and Minnesota before a tougher January awaits.

In the first month, the Badgers face off against Iowa and Dayton as their hardest matchups but have a relatively easy schedule to begin the year.

Tougher January

In January, the Badgers’ schedule takes a turn for the worst, as the team faces off against tougher opponents and significant travel.

During the entire month, the Badgers don’t have a single home stretch(2+ games in a row), while facing off against the likes of Illinois, Michigan State, and Maryland with a road trip to Indiana also on the schedule.

Crucial February

While the Badgers' schedule doesn’t necessarily get easier in the month of February, they do have a crucial three-game home stand toward the end of the month, hosting Michigan, Rutgers, and Iowa.

To end the season, Wisconsin does host Purdue and travel to Minnesota, which could be crucial games in the seeding of the Big 10 conference, prior to the conference tournament.

The Badgers begin the season on October 30th with an exhibition game, with regular season games beginning on November 7th.

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