Duke Recruiting: A Battle With Maryland Coming?

Oct 5, 2022 - 1:00 PM
NCAA Basketball: Georgia State at <a href=Duke" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/sX7wag2WMV7l2gdvxY-_BULnO-E=/0x0:4920x2768/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71456142/usa_today_13670579.0.jpg" />
 Nov 15, 2019; Durham, NC, USA; The Duke Blue Devils mascot waves a flag during the second half against the Georgia State Panthers at Cameron Indoor Stadium.  | Rob Kinnan-USA TODAY Sports

Duke has really done well when it comes to recruiting against Maryland for a long time now. We’re probably missing some people, but the last guy that both schools really wanted who went to Maryland was Jerrod Mustaf who was later implicated, but not charged in a Phoenix murder (he also has a string of charges and allegations of being violent with women).

The article lists Danny Miller, and that was an intense battle, but in the end, he wasn’t very good for Maryland and transferred.

Now both schools are after Darren Harris from Paul VI, the school that sent Jeremy Roach and Trevor Keels to Duke.

He’s also looking at Ohio State and Miami.

Lefty Driesell was being bombastic when he said Maryland would become the “UCLA of the East” but he was essentially right: Maryland should be a great program, year in and year out because it has enormous advantages, not least of all with tons of talent in the area.

That it hasn’t is quite odd. Maybe Kevin Willard will have better luck. Or maybe not.

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