BC Interruption is Hiring a Men’s Basketball/Football Writer!

Nov 30, 2022 - 11:18 PM
COLLEGE BASKETBALL: NOV 27 Rhode Island at <a href=Boston College" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/CRjxm23q62LURhSNjYRrsdHSMWE=/0x0:3900x2194/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71693770/1245156518.0.jpg" />
Photo by M. Anthony Nesmith/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images

BC Interruption is looking for a new men’s basketball/football writer! Applicants interested in applying for this position should have a passion for the Boston College men’s basketball and football programs and an interest in covering the teams through their ups and downs.

Description: This position will be responsible for providing men’s basketball coverage and assisting with football content throughout the year. This includes, but is not limited to:

- Recruiting updates

- Gameday coverage (largely focused on away games)

- Post-game analysis

Compensation for this position is comprised of a small monthly stipend. This writer will also be able to obtain media credentials through BC Interruption for occasional men’s basketball games.

Expectations: We are looking for an applicant who is passionate enough about both Boston College men’s basketball and football to cover the programs with enthusiasm even when the teams are struggling. This position requires the ability to access streams for the majority of men’s basketball away games to provide in-game coverage for BC Interruption. Qualified applicants must also have an awareness of the major Boston College and NCAA basketball and football websites/social media accounts in order to be prepared to track breaking news and recruitment information.

To Apply: To apply for this position, please email Laura at bcinterruption@gmail.com with a cover letter explaining your interest in the position, as well as a sports-focused writing sample. Your writing sample can be previously published work, or something you wrote specifically for this application. Please also include links to your Twitter account(s) if applicable. Please submit applications by 12/8/22 in order to be considered.

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