Bucketheads Podcast: The Big Ten might be good, Rutgers visits Columbus, more

Dec 8, 2022 - 1:31 PM
NCAA Basketball: St. Francis (PA) at <a href=Ohio State" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/IsCV3SCl24AV_gT5BGzWftpyUBw=/0x0:4798x2699/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71725599/usa_today_19554036.0.jpg" />
Joseph Maiorana-USA TODAY Sports

‘Bucketheads’ is LGHL’s men’s basketball podcast, hosted by Connor Lemons and Justin Golba. Every episode they give you the latest scoop on the Ohio State Buckeyes and everything else happening in the college hoops world.

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During this week’s episode, Connor and Justin take a broad look at the Big Ten and assess if it’s actually over-delivering based on the low expectations we had one month ago. Maryland and Purdue have surprised everyone, while teams like Indiana and Illinois have delivered as expected. Is the Big Ten the premier college basketball conference this season?

They also dive into a mess of other topics, including Hunter Dickinson talking that talk only to lose both times he ran his mouth, the Ohio State women’s team eyeing the No. 1 spot in the AP Poll, and Kansas State’s Keyontae Johnson dominating in the Big 12 after two years away from basketball. They close with a brief preview of the Rutgers Scarlet Knights leading into Thursday night’s game.

Connect with the Podcast:
Twitter: @BucketheadsLGHL

Connect with Connor:
Twitter: @lemons_connor

Connect with Justin:
Twitter: @justin_golba

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