Kansas Mauls #12 Arizona 77-50

Dec 9, 2022 - 3:16 AM
NCAA Womens Basketball: NCAA Tournament - Second Round-<a href=Kansas at Stanford" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/3ndNrQ5Zz2S7iGUgLhNluy7t4xM=/0x0:4564x2567/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71729086/usa_today_17941270.0.jpg" />
Kelley L Cox-USA TODAY Sports

If you aren’t following the women’s team this year then you are missing out. The Kansas Jayhawks went down to Tuscon AZ to take on the undefeated #12 Arizona Wildcats. The Wildcats managed to keep it close through the first quarter and then the mauling began. 4 Jayhawks scored double digits. Senior center Tai Jackson landed herself 9th all time in school history in blocks. This one wasn’t close.

Jackson and Chandler Prater led all scores with 19 apiece. Prater, in an impressive outing, went 13 for 13 from the line.

Going on the road against an undefeated ranked team and dominating in this fashion makes a statement. The Jayhawks are the real deal. They will face Wichita St at home on Sunday.

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