Gonzaga drops to No. 23 in latest AP Poll

Feb 6, 2023 - 6:17 PM
NCAA Womens Basketball: Brigham Young at <a href=Gonzaga" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/AhrTpkgey7jHgdw-O4qwpxD606k=/0x0:2970x1671/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71946054/usa_today_19641916.0.jpg" />
James Snook-USA TODAY Sports

The Gonzaga Bulldogs fell six spots to No. 23 in the latest AP poll.

The Zags split the bill last week, defeating San Francisco on Saturday but losing to Santa Clara on Thursday. The 77-72 loss was the first loss for the Zags since Dec. 4 against Stanford, a span of 14 games.

Things don’t necessarily get any easier this week. Gonzaga only has one game this week, but it is against the other first-place team in the WCC, the Portland Pilots. Luckily, the game is at home, because the Pilots are red-host at the moment, having won six-straight games. Their last loss? To Gonzaga at home, 73-66, back on January 14.

Elsewhere around the polls, there was plenty of movement thanks to Stanford’s loss. Duke leapt back into the top 10 following a win over Notre Dame.

For now, the Zags are still ranked, however, and that is what matters. Here is the full poll for Week 14.

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