DBR Podcast #487: Hurricanes Humble Hungover Blue Devils

Feb 8, 2023 - 5:03 AM
NCAA Basketball: <a href=Duke at Miami (FL)" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/aGGlasHI9mS0fAMDiUMYwCcDhcs=/0x147:4000x2397/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71952100/usa_today_19935744.0.jpg" />
Jasen Vinlove-USA TODAY Sports

Well, that one wasn’t fun. What went wrong down in Coral Gables last night for the Duke Blue Devils? We discuss it all on Episode 487.

Duke got humbled by the Miami Hurricanes, and it was clear from the very beginning that the energy wasn’t there. Sam Klein was in the building for the game, so we open with his observations and headlines before we get to the good.

Despite the blowout loss, there was some good things to come out of last night. Sam specifically has some positive thoughts about how Jon Scheyer did his rotations last night, and we had a 10-5-5 performance from Dereck Lively that needs to be talked about. We also get into the NET rankings and how this loss actually might have helped Duke in that all-important metric.

After the break, we get into the bad, and there’s a lot to be discussed. Donald starts with the lack of energy in the Duke uniforms on the floor and how his prediction about the game ended up becoming a harsh reality. There are several points to be made about how the team played as well as the details being largely missing on the night. We end with more talk about the NET and what Duke has to look forward to over the final 7 games of the regular season, and we actually have a couple favorite plays.

We will have a couple of DBR Bites very soon, so check your feed over the next couple of days for more Duke discussions as we get ready for UVA this weekend.

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