Oregon Men’s Basketball Game Thread: Ducks Host UC Irvine In NIT First Round

Mar 16, 2023 - 1:00 AM
<a href=Oregon v UCLA" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/IG_FDtKtUHzM2bwrKpaIz105ULQ=/0x0:3133x1762/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/72079618/1473424291.0.jpg" />
Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images

When: 3/15/23, 8:00 pm PT

Where: Matthew Knight Arena, Eugene, OR

Watch: ESPN2

Oregon Ducks men’s basketball begins post-season play tonight against the UC Irvine Anteaters. Or should I say Duckeaters? UC Irvine came to Eugene in the Ducks’ second game of the season and really put the hurt on Oregon, 58-69.

We’re talking about a Ducks squad that was hurt by injuries, and while I’d like to say that isn’t the case now, that is the case now as well. Will Richardson has a season-ending hip injury. Jermaine Couisnard dislocated his left shoulder against UCLA. N’Faly Dante still has a nagging right ankle sprain. A couple of other Ducks are also out of the lineup.

The remainder of Oregon’s team has shown bright spots. Nathan Bittle needs to own the paint. Backups that are now starters, like Keeshawn Barthelemy will need to be productive and win the night. Oregon is in a better place than they were on November 11th, but they will have to prove it. They are a problematic #1 NIT seed.

I think Dante sits this one out. If Oregon advances, then we’ll see at what point Dante and Couisnard can get back in action.

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