4 ways to prepare for Mississippi State football vs. Arizona Wildcats

Sep 10, 2022 - 2:45 PM
COLLEGE FOOTBALL: SEP 03 Memphis at <a href=Mississippi State" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/D_crSBEdjzOf-6pcvku5G6t2ghY=/0x246:4722x2902/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71348628/1243078718.0.jpg" />
Photo by Chris McDill/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images

Are you ready for the second Mississippi State football game of the season? This week, the Bulldogs are facing off against the Arizona Wildcats in what should be a pretty interesting contest.

Arizona has heavily overhauled its roster and the Wildcats could be pretty interesting to keep up with this season. But, who knows if all of those transfers will equal instant success and if the Wildcats will be able to keep up with the Bulldogs this week.

Making this game infinitely more interesting (and potentially a whole lot weirder) is the fact that Mississippi State and Arizona are slated for a 10 p.m. kickoff.

That means we’re going to be up LATE! Very very late. Well, those of us who want to watch all of this game will be up late. Some of us might turn in a little early. But, for those of us who are intent on watching all of this one, we should probably prepare a bit.

So, let’s go over some strategies to prepare yourself for an absurdly late kickoff.

No. 1: Take a nap

This is simple, straightforward, and sure to work. Take a page out of my toddler’s playbook and take a nap. Get some rest. You deserve some sleep and you’ll almost certainly need it as this particular Mississippi State football game is going to be a LATE one.

No. 2: Invest in some caffeine

Whether it’s a bunch of coffee or you choose to drink Mountain Dew by the gallon, you’ll probably need some caffeine. If you don’t need something sugary and caffeinated to watch the Bulldogs face off against Arizona, I’m completely and totally impressed. I just don’t have that sort of energy anymore.

No. 3: Go to bed at like 6p.m.

Again, it’s worth noting that Mississippi State and Arizona kick off at 10 p.m. Maybe it’s not a bad idea to get some sleep shortly before the game gets started? I don’t know how feasible this one is, I’m running out of ideas, to be completely honest with you.

So, maybe try getting some sleep right before the game is supposed to start! This will certainly mess with your sleeping schedule for the rest of the week and you might regret it if you’re up at like 3 a.m. and aren’t tired.

No. 4: Accept your fate and set your DVR

Okay look there’s a very good chance that some of us will fall asleep on the couch or pass out in our favorite recliner while watching the Bulldogs. Some of us aren’t as young and energetic as we used to be. That said, you should be fully prepared in case that happens! Set your DVR and be ready to record the game so that you can watch it again later!

So, what are you going to do to help stay up this week?

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