UVA Football Fan Reacts Results: How the Syracuse loss impacted the fanbase’s expectations for this season

Sep 29, 2022 - 1:02 PM
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Photo by Ryan M. Kelly/Getty Images

Through an odd four games, the Virginia Cavaliers sit at 2-2 (the same record they had last year after four contests) as they hit the road to play the Duke Blue Devils this coming Saturday night. Earlier this week we asked you all a few questions about your thoughts on the team following the Syracuse loss, so here are the results:

For starters, it seems like the loss to Syracuse didn’t change too many minds with 49% of UVA fans noting that they feel the same as they did going into the game. That makes sense following a two-point loss on the road against a solid conference opponent. Perhaps a bit surprisingly, more Virginia fans were encouraged by the result than were discouraged which likely speaks to how good the Wahoo defense has been and the team’s resilience to come back after being down 16-0.

 SB Nation Fan Reacts

Of course, the weak point for Tony Elliott’s squad so far this season has been the offense. So, we wanted to know what the perceived root cause was. The vote was fairly split with the offensive line being the most popular answer, Offensive Coordinator Des Kitchings coming in second, Elliott himself not too far behind in third, and then Armstrong fourth and the wide receivers last.

Obviously the offensive line was always going to be an issue for this roster, so Kitchings and Elliott combining to take 46% of the answers is interesting and indicates the fanbase’s general frustration with the offensive scheme rather than its execution by Armstrong and his receivers who only combined for 20%.

 SB Nation Fan Reacts

Speaking of Armstrong, he still has been unexpectedly poor in the first four games. Consequently, we asked you all what you felt the likelihood that he would return to his 2021 form this season. Obviously it’s gonna be nearly impossible for him to hit the raw numbers of last season, but if he could hit that level of play again it would go a long way towards this team’s success.

Unfortunately, 53% of responders view it as unlikely that Armstrong gets back to his 2021 form this season. That majority is telling especially when considering that, when adding the “very unlikely” votes, 68% of UVA fans see major improvement from Armstrong as unlikely with just 32% seeing it as likely.

 SB Nation Fan Reacts

Then, lastly, we surveyed the Wahoo faithful on if they’re expecting a win come Saturday with 68% of fans answering that they think the ‘Hoos will beat Duke. For a road game against a 3-1 team, that’s probably a high percentage. Yet, it’s Duke, who UVA hasn’t lost to in football in a long time and who probably 80%+ of UVA fans would’ve predicted Virginia to beat before the start of the season. Hopefully the majority is correct come the weekend.

 SB Nation Fan Reacts

Does any of this surprise you? Are there any majorities that you particularly disagree with? Make your case in the comments!

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