Week 11 Power Rankings: Can the Red Raiders stop the bleeding against Kansas?

Nov 11, 2022 - 6:46 PM
NCAA Football: <a href=Texas Tech at Texas Christian" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/SzWdOC4NDNLCTDF902E3bkDTIto=/0x240:4598x2826/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71615956/usa_today_19366238.0.jpg" />
Raymond Carlin III-USA TODAY Sports

Last week’s previous power rankings:

  1. TCU
  2. Kansas State
  3. Texas
  4. Baylor
  5. Oklahoma State
  6. Oklahoma
  7. Kansas
  8. Texas Tech
  9. West Virginia
  10. Iowa State

Last week provided us with yet another odd slate of outcomes, meaning that the week 11 rankings will see some more changes from numerous teams. Texas beat KSU on the road, TCU remained undefeated and Oklahoma State looks like a completely different team from a month ago. Iowa State also defeated West Virginia, in what was a battle for the gutter in Ames. After that outcome, I personally believe it is inevitable that WVU must move on from Neal Brown. He is in year 4 with an offense that features Graham Harrell calling plays and JT Daniels slinging the rock, and they have limped to a 3-6 record. Winning out for bowl eligibility seems unlikely for them. The Red Raiders have taken a 180-degree turn from two weeks ago but they are hoping to relight a fire with a home game against Kansas. In what many people thought would just be another normal KU squad has turned into the best team that the program has had in over a decade. While it is unrealistic, the Jayhawks actually still have a chance to squeeze into the Big 12 title game if they win out and receive some help from other teams. TCU will go to Austin in what I think could be the game of the year for the conference. College Gameday will be on hand in a contest that will largely decide both TCU and UT’s fate moving forward.

For the 11th time this season, here are my current Big 12 Power Rankings:

  1. TCU
  2. Texas
  3. Baylor
  4. Kansas State
  5. Kansas
  6. Oklahoma
  7. Oklahoma State
  8. Texas Tech
  9. Iowa State
  10. West Virginia

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