Week 11 Pick’em: One Shining Moment

Nov 12, 2022 - 2:30 PM
COLLEGE FOOTBALL: NOV 05 <a href=Texas Tech at TCU" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/rcBqittIDA2A0C9zjVGEp5pa_bA=/0x157:2999x1844/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71618806/1244678630.0.jpg" />
Photo by Matthew Pearce/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images

After a strange week in college football, every picker in our challenge went 2-5. Well, all but one picker, our editor Zach. Zach found his way into a 5-2 week, and thrusted his name fully into the final conversation. Zach jumped Kendall and the Viva fans, placing himself two games behind Jack and five games behind Reed, who still sits alone in first.

This week, we pick Tech-KU, TCU-UT, KState-Baylor, UCF-Tulane, Bama-Ole Miss, UNC-Wake, and Washington-Oregon.

There are officially three weeks left before conference championships, and it appears that it will come down to the final three but there is still an outside chance for the fans to make some noise prior to bowl season.

Good luck to everyone and remember, the key is to remain within view come bowl season.

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