Tyler Shough flashes brilliance against Kansas

Nov 14, 2022 - 5:00 PM
Kansas v <a href=Texas Tech" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/-U2kfcHaiseL_8E81B98whg4XrM=/0x192:3664x2253/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71626508/1441060983.0.jpg" />
Photo by John E. Moore III/Getty Images

Tyler Shough started for Texas Tech for the first time since Week One against Kansas this past weekend, but you would’ve been hard pressed to be able to tell.

Yes, there were some lax throws here and there. Yes, there were some questionable check-downs. However, Tyler Shough showed poise all night, and he managed the offense brilliantly for the most part.

 Michael C. Johnson-USA TODAY Sports

Shough finished the game 20-of-33 for 246 yards and a TD. He also ran 12 times for 76 yards and a TD, for an average of 6.3 yards per carry.

In this game, Shough proved that he can run Zach Kittley’s offense, and quite successfully, at that. It was also a pleasant surprise to see him as mobile as we have ever seen him, quite frankly. If there is something that this game showed me, it was that with Tyler Shough leading this offense, and with a game plan tailored to his strengths, he is a beyond serviceable quarterback option.

With that being said, it is an easy choice for me to award this week’s offensive player of the game to Tyler Shough for his effort in the win against Kansas.

NCAA Football: Kansas at Texas Tech Michael C. Johnson-USA TODAY Sports

Next, Tech travels to Ames to take on a scrappy Cyclone team. Has Tyler Shough shown enough to be the starter? Will Behren Morton be healthy enough to start? Only time will tell for this Red Raider offense.

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