Louisville enters College Football Playoff rankings at No. 25

Nov 23, 2022 - 12:34 AM
Wake Forest v <a href=Louisville" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/KVLWiIX4sfzHDN183bkB-Ny8v34=/0x0:4311x2425/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71664122/1244370658.0.jpg" />
Photo by Michael Hickey/Getty Images

For the first time since 2016, Louisville has appeared in the College Football Playoff rankings.

The Cardinals popped up at No. 25 in the latest installment of the rankings, which were revealed Tuesday night on ESPN.

The full rankings heading into the final full weekend of the regular season look like this:

  1. Georgia
  2. Ohio State
  3. Michigan
  4. TCU
  5. LSU
  6. USC
  7. Alabama
  8. Clemson
  9. Oregon
  10. Tennessee
  11. Penn State
  12. Kansas State
  13. Washington
  14. Utah
  15. Notre Dame
  16. Florida State
  17. North Carolina
  18. UCLA
  19. Tulane
  20. Ole Miss
  21. Oregon State
  22. UCF
  23. Texas
  24. Cincinnati
  25. Louisville

This news means that Louisville will carry a national ranking into its annual rivalry game against Kentucky for the first time since 2017. Coincidentally, that matchup was also the last time the Cardinals knocked off the Wildcats.

When Louisville was sitting at 0-3 in the ACC and coming off an inexplicable loss to Boston College, who in the world could have ever imagined this? Props to Scott Satterfield and everyone else associated with the program for turning things around enough to reach this point.

Now let’s beat Kentucky.

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