K-State Slices Kansas, 47-27

Nov 27, 2022 - 5:26 AM
NCAA Football: <a href=Kansas at Kansas State" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/w44sb2t0f1_0C1gpQ1EB4HCwNMw=/0x0:3614x2033/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71677684/usa_today_19512095.0.jpg" />
Scott Sewell-USA TODAY Sports

As the Kansas Jayhawks wrap up their 2022 season with a 47-27 loss to the Kansas State Wildcats, lets travel back to November of 2021 to talk to our past selves. Those fans had just seen another 2-10 season. Sure the Texas game had them excited but at the end of the day, it’s another 2-10 season. Let’s tell those 2021 fans that in one year we will finish the year 6-6 and be anticipating a bowl game. Those fans would tell you that losing by 20 points to K-State and by 41 points to Texas in exchange for a 6-6 season and a bowl game is an easy trade to make.

This is the most memorable Jayhawk team since the Bush administration. We had multiple sell out crowds, College GameDay came to Lawrence, and the Jayhawks enjoyed a buzz around the football team that hasn’t been felt since every player on the current roster was a small child. This is a great season that I hope everyone takes a second to appreciate.

Sure there are areas for growth. The defense has a long ways to go, depth remains an issue, play calling felt a little too conservative at times for my tastes. These are issues that our newly extended coach needs to address. But for the first time in a long time, I have faith that Lance Leipold will be able to make the appropriate changes.

Kansas will wait to hear about their bowl game. The time off will provide some much needed rest for a squad who has endured their fair amount of injuries this season. But our season isn’t over yet. And no matter how this year ended, I think it's been a season that will be talked about for years to come.

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