Podcast: The One About Deion Sanders

Dec 5, 2022 - 8:12 PM
NCAA Football: <a href=Colorado Introductory Press Conference-Head Coach Deion Sanders" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/PifZSFF4prkMEkFkvTfq4Uo6SiI=/0x0:7944x4469/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71713976/usa_today_19563570.0.jpg" />
Ron Chenoy-USA TODAY Sports

Deion Sanders is the 28th football coach for the University of Colorado. Coach Prime. Is Coach. At CU. Chase Howell and Jake Shapiro, who were both there for the opening press conference, join Jack for the most jubilant episode in a long time. The technical gremlins tried to stop us from being excited, BUT WE DIDN’T LET THAT HAPPEN (sorry about the technical glitches). Jake and Chase talk about the door that Coach Prime kicked down in his first day, what his staff may look like and how next year may play out.

Join us in our excitement!

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