What Do We Know About the New Purdue Coaching Staff?

Jan 26, 2023 - 3:05 PM
NCAA Football: Citrus Bowl-<a href=Purdue at Louisiana State" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/4kUk-oIjzgb3YKAx9IALiUDqguA=/0x172:3300x2028/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71908284/usa_today_19713960.0.jpg" />
We know it’s not these guys. | Mike Watters-USA TODAY Sports

Purdue officially announced the full football coaching staff this week. There’s a lot we still don’t know. Individual salaries, total salary pool, length of the contracts. Etc. But we do know the names and the positions that each new hire will coach. That’s good enough for now. So I chatted with our own Drew Schneider to determine what we know about a few of these guys and what are some advantages and maybe even some drawbacks of having such a young staff.

Are there any areas of the country that recruiting might focus on given these new hires?

What about the recent portal additions of two offensive lineman? Are these players that could play right away or are they more depth additions? I ask Drew all this and more.

Then Ryan and I talk about today’s Purdue game against Michigan in Ann Arbor. Always a difficult place to play for Purdue. Can Edey shut down Dickinson or will Dickinson go off from three as he’s been known to do against Purdue? Should be a fun game.

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