Terrell Edmunds ruled out the remainder of Week 4 with a concussion

Oct 2, 2022 - 6:54 PM
<a href=Pittsburgh Steelers v Cleveland Browns" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/T1Y8_nsu5gtt88v3l9C3OBgevn4=/0x20:8052x4549/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71444233/1428777755.0.jpg" />
Photo by Nick Cammett/Diamond Images via Getty Images

The Pittsburgh Steelers are attempting to get their season against the New York Jets at Acrisure Stadium. As the teams enter halftime with the Jets holding a 10-6 lead, the Steelers did have a significant injury in the final minutes of the first half. On a play where the Jets lost one of their offensive linemen Max Mitchell who had to be carted off the field, Steelers safety Terrell Edmunds was shaken up on the field after a vicious collision along the sidelines.

Edmunds was placed in the concussion protocol and has been ruled out for the remainder of the game according to steelers Senior Director of Communications Burt Lauten:

With Edmunds out of the lineup, Tre Norwood has taken over at safety for the Steelers.

Stay tuned to Behind the Steel Curtain for continued coverage as the Steelers face the Jets i Pittsburgh.

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