Update on Sione Takitaki after being carted off in Week 13

Dec 5, 2022 - 5:35 PM
NFL: Los Angeles Chargers at <a href=Cleveland Browns" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/9ZsNhRm7FD6QgZLc0nGXWwYdmC0=/0x0:4651x2616/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71709320/usa_today_19204414.0.jpg" />
Ken Blaze-USA TODAY Sports

While the Cleveland Browns were looking to salt away a unique victory over the Houston Texans, a potentially problematic injury took place. While special teams made another big play to force and recover a fumble, LB Sione Takitaki went down on the other side of the field.

Takitaki was down for a few moments with trainers and his teammates coming to his side. The fourth year linebacker walked off the field with the help of two trainers and entered the blue injury tent on the sideline.

Quickly, Takitaki came out of the tent and sat in a golf cart to be taken to the locker room for further evaluation:

With injuries to Anthony Walker Jr. and Jacob Phillips, Takitaki was used more and more on defense as the season went on with 50 or more snaps on defense the last three weeks.

Earlier in the game, WR David Bell went down with a hand injury and was ruled out after halftime.


The worst-case scenario has been confirmed, Takitaki tore his ACL yesterday:

We will update you on Takitaki’s injury when information becomes available.

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