Where are you watching the Eagles-Chiefs Super Bowl?

Feb 4, 2023 - 7:06 PM
NFC Championship - San Francisco 49ers v <a href=Philadelphia Eagles" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/r6JgnuYgcbrJKeuJ3ki8xxyp7Nk=/0x309:5937x3649/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71940902/1246656068.0.jpg" />
Photo by Kevin Sabitus/Getty Images

Saturday marked the five year anniversary of the Eagles beating Tom Brady and the Patriots for their first-ever Super Bowl win — when the team came out of the tunnel to Meek Mill, it seemed pretty obvious the vibes were right for victory.

I was watching the game with my parents — two Philly natives and the reason for my fandom — at their house, with a few friends and my husband. A lot has changed for me in the five years since, including having two kids, now 3yo and 1yo, and writing for Bleeding Green Nation. So, as the Eagles get ready for their second trip to the Big Game, I have a decision to make about where to watch the matchup.

It would be much easier to watch the game at home and invite my parents over instead, but while I’m not exactly superstitious, I am a little-stitious, and would hate to mess with a formula that clearly worked five years ago.

Have you thought about where you’re going to watch the game? Is it the same place you watched five years ago? Let us know in the comments!

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