Justin Fields is number 1 in Wisconsin

Feb 7, 2023 - 6:30 PM
Green Bay Packers v <a href=Chicago Bears" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/pD2lcnMJ4GnIjdTZeAV7DJMaJPI=/0x0:6275x3530/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71950162/1446731442.0.jpg" />
Photo by Quinn Harris/Getty Images

From a marketing standpoint, Justin Fields has been one of the more popular players in the NFL since he was drafted in 2021. The Chicago Bears started that offseason with a social media proclamation that Andy Dalton was their QB1, but fans knew. Everyone knew.

The league sold a ton of Bears' #1 jerseys after Chicago traded up to draft him at 11 overall, and while he began his rookie year as a backup, he quickly found himself starting. He ended up with 10 starts as a rookie, then 15 more in 2022, where he improved his numbers across the board while flashing a weekly highlight for the NFL to promote.

The latest jersey numbers are in from Lids, a retailer specializing in sports apparel, and as expected, Justin Skyler Fields' #1 is tops in Illinois, but it's also the top seller in Indiana and Wisconsin.

There are a lot of Bears fans that live north of the border, including me, so I'm not that surprised Fields is tops in Wisconsin. Also, it's natural that fans aren't shelling out cash for new jerseys when considering the Packers haven't developed any new and marketable stars in a while. Maybe once Aaron Rodgers is gone, there will be a massive push from Green Bay fans to get their #10 Jordan Love apparel.

Or maybe not...

Colts' fans just suffered through a disastrous season, and don't forget how many Bears fans live across the border east of Chicago. Before their franchise relocated to Indianapolis, much of Indiana was a Bears' state.

Regardless of the why, it's still neat seeing Fields and the Bears leading things in three states. Just imagine what could happen if Fields takes another step in play in 2023, and how Chicago fans will react if the Bears are a playoff contender.

We're a huge fanbase; we just haven't had a consistent winner to cheer for in a while.

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