Falcons 2023 OTAs, minicamp dates confirmed by NFL

Mar 25, 2023 - 12:00 PM
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Photo by Edward M. Pio Roda/Getty Images

The 2023 league year is underway, and on Friday, the NFL has announced the dates for all 32 teams’ offseason workout programs.

The offseason program includes voluntary workouts and OTAs (organized team activities), as well as a mandatory minicamp in June. The kickoff date for the Falcons’ offseason program is Apr. 17, 2023, and the entire program spans nine weeks and is split into three phases.

Phase 2 is the first two weeks, which will consist of meetings, strength and conditioning, and physical rehab only. Phase 2 lasts three weeks, and involves on-field drills, with no contact and no offense vs. defense drills and the team working at a walk-through pace. Phase 3 lasts four weeks, and teams are allowed to do 10 days of practice activity with no live contact, though 7 on 7, 9 on 7, and 11 on 11 drills are permitted. The one mandatory veteran minicamp teams are permitted to hold must be scheduled during Phase 3.

Here are all of the dates you need to know for the Falcons’ offseason workouts:

First day: Apr. 17, 2023
OTAs: May 23-25, May 31-June 2, June 6-9
Mandatory minicamp: June 13-15

The Falcons added quite a few new faces in free agency, so it’ll be interesting to track how those new players are fitting in through OTAs and minicamp.

The one thing that hasn’t yet been scheduled is the rookie football development program, which each team can hold for a period of seven weeks. May 15 is the date this program can begin. There may be one Falcons rookie minicamp after the draft, either the first or second weekend following the draft. The dates for the Falcons’ rookie minicamp will be released later.

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