Dallas Cowboys players seem very interested in switching to the number 0 for the 2023 season

Mar 28, 2023 - 10:00 PM
AFC Wild Card Playoffs - <a href=Dallas Cowboys v Tampa Bay Buccaneers" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/YckqWLj1revaRrFMcRg_oXKyB0Q=/0x64:4622x2664/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/72124940/1246291654.0.jpg" />
Photo by Kevin Sabitus/Getty Images

We are entering a new world this coming NFL season. That’s right. A new world.

Tuesday brought with it some ground-shaking news as it pertains to the National Football League and that is that players can now wear the number 0. Yes. Zero.

As we noted earlier this week when talking about Stephon Gilmore being assigned number 21 with the Dallas Cowboys and Brandin Cooks being given number 3, jersey numbers are important (it is the offseason after all). This is obviously relatively speaking, but jersey numbers have to make sense and most importantly they have to look cool.

Introducing the number 0 as an option to players is surely going to create a scenario where some believe it to be interesting and others not so much. As it pertains to the Cowboys it seems that there is already a fight for the right to wear it.

Micah Parsons was the first to chime in on social media and noted that he would be switching from his number 11 to 0, although it is hard to tell if he was being completely serious or just sort of lighthearted.

Micah is obviously one of the most high-profile players on the Cowboys and him switching numbers would leave a lot of people who own his jersey in a bit of an awkward spot. As noted though there is a possibility that Micah was just having some fun on the internet.

Whether he was being serious or silly it appears that Micah is not alone in this quest. Safety Jayron Kearse responded to Micah and said it was “too late” which is obviously an implication that he was trying to take number 0 for himself.

It stands to reason that 0 would be popular given that no current player in the NFL has ever worn it as a professional (although a handful have on the collegiate level). For what it’s worth it was announced that Jacksonville Jaguars wide receiver Calvin Ridley would be the first player to take it on, but he is likely going to be alone for just a little while.

The NFL loosened up their rules on what numbers certain positions can wear two years ago, right as Micah entered the league which made him wearing number 11 possible to begin with. Could a new era be upon us? We will see.

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