Pierre Engvall to have hearing for stick infraction

Dec 9, 2022 - 4:21 PM
San Jose Sharks v <a href=Toronto Maple Leafs" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/w0BqTKtm609tmxa-wa9uAlLP8aw=/0x69:2438x1440/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71730747/1446390157.0.jpg" />
Photo by Kevin Sousa/NHLI via Getty Images

Given the circumstances, and how the stick hitting Sean Durzi appeared careless but didn’t seem intentional, I’m surprised this is going to a hearing, so I’m bowing out on guessing the results of this one.

But you can call it reckless, not merely careless, and decide five and a game might not be enough. You can also decide that any head contact is bad, and five and a game isn’t enough.

Of note: very rarely a hearing results in no further punishment, so we can’t assume there will be games missed.

The Leafs will be without Nick Robertson for “some time”, and if they will also be missing Engvall, they will undoubtedly recall more than one forward. At the moment, they have 12 healthy forwards on the roster.

When we have the results, we’ll update you.

Make that 13 healthy forwards, so now the roster is full, barring a suspension.

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