Water is Wet

Jan 20, 2023 - 4:49 PM
MLS: Philadelphia Union at <a href=Chicago Fire" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/MRWnZN7K5Q0U-5DNDYD4o_40qU0=/0x0:3140x1766/1920x1080/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71887792/usa_today_6129754.0.jpg" />
Mike DiNovo-USA TODAY Sports

In news that will shock absolutely no one, I have accomplished what no editor, not even Sean Spence, has done before. I have successfully killed Hot Time In Old Town.

That’s basically it. Currently, there are no plans to keep posting on the site. A decade of blood, sweat, and horrible football go quietly into the night, just like that.

To everyone who’s joined me on this decade-long journey, both as a fellow contributor or commenter or even a lurker who just reads our stuff, know that we love and appreciate you all.

Thank you to all the PR people from the Chicago Fire and Chicago Red Stars who I have both worked with and not had a chance to work with.

The podcast will continue, as Vox Media does not own the rights to the Hot Cast. It will live on in legacy.

If this is the end, Thank You.

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