Amanda Green's Friends
Member Since:
Aug '10
WYG? Ranking:
1533rd place
About Me:
I love sports...Shark week is amazing, Comedies are great
Favorite Jersey Number:
#19 Stevie Y.
Current Town:
Favorite Teams:
Tigers, I guess the Lions just cause I live here, and the Red Wings. Steelers, Yankees, and the Saints.
Favorite Sports Movies:
Remember the Titans, A League of Their Own, Little Giants, Balls of Fury, Space Jam.. the list goes on people... lol Mighty Ducks
Favorite Sports Moment:
Yzerman's 600th Goal
Favorite Athletes:
Granderson, Jeter, Brady, OchoCinco, etc. Smith, Stevie Y....
Players You Love to Hate:
Owens, A. Rod