jed petrick's Friends
Member Since:
Mar '12
WYG? Ranking:
647th place
About Me:
Ranked in order.....NFL, NCAA Football, PGA, MLB, NCAA Hoops Tourney; Men and Women, NBA, etc.
Favorite Jersey Number:
Cranford, NJ
Current Town:
Mt. kisco, NY
Favorite Teams:
Cleveland Indians, LA Dodgers, NY Knicks, NY Giants, NY Jets
Favorite Sports Quotes/Cliches:
"Juuuust a bit outside."
"Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth"
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to get through life son." Yeah, I know, that's Dean Wermer in Animal House but its a classic so....
Favorite Sports Movies:
Major League
Tin Cup
Favorite Sports Moment:
NY Giants defeat NE Patriots, Super Bowl XLII
Favorite Athletes:
John R. Wooden
Players You Love to Hate:
Bill Belichek
Best Game You've Attended:
Super Bowl XLII

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