JD Willis's Friends
Member Since:
Nov '12
WYG? Ranking:
21825th place
About Me:
Re-tired NAVY Veteran, I live on an Island North of Seattle. Love to ride my Harley..Enjoying life.
Favorite Jersey Number:
Hobbs, NM
Current Town:
Oak Harbor, WA
Favorite Teams:
Denver Broncos - Chicago Bears and any team that beats the Dallas Cowgirls.
Favorite Sports Quotes/Cliches:
" He might....go....all..........the.....way"
Favorite Sports Movies:
Rudy, Jerry Maguire , Major League, Rocky
Favorite Sports Moment:
The Drive, The immaculate Catch
Favorite Athletes:
Terrell Davis, Champ Bailey, Romonalski
Players You Love to Hate:
Drew Bledsoe
Best Game You've Attended:
Going to Mile High Stadium watching John Elway as a rookie.

  • JD Willis If anybody want's to yap... go for it....JD